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This site is owned and operated by Wedding Day Steps, headquartered in California, USA. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. As Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases. Wedding Day Steps also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. Wedding Day Steps is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.”

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Earnings Disclaimer, Testimonials, and Other Disclaimers

We may disclose our income reports and success results including product reviews and testimonials on the website from time to time. These income reports, product reviews, and testimonials are accurate and strictly for informational purposes only.

We share this information as examples with you but it does not serve as a guarantee or promise of any kind for your results and successes if you decide to use the same information, reviews, products, services, tips, and techniques offered here.

All the testimonials included on our websites, programs, products, and/or services are real-world examples and stories of other people’s experiences with our programs, products, and/or services. But they are not intended to serve as a guarantee that you will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s performance is different and your results will vary accordingly.

You are encouraged to perform your own due diligence and research and are solely responsible for your earnings and results. Your earning potential and results are contingent upon your personal circumstances, abilities, experience, and skills. Therefore, you agree not to hold us and/or our officers, employees, successors, shareholders, joint venture partners, or anyone else working with us liable for any of your successes or failures directly or indirectly related to the information, reports, reviews, products and/or services presented to you here.

Updated on 7/10/22