Wedding Night: Honeymoon Fail

I have coordinated many weddings over the years, and my work ends after the couple’s last dance and wedding night begins. There was one couple I worked with a few years back, and I will never forget what happened on their honeymoon.

Wedding night is supposed to be a romantic evening for a newly married couple. A time to love, laugh, and spend intimate time together. A honeymoon can fail for many reasons. One evening, a wedding night ended abruptly for a couple while in bed with champagne, screams, and maggots.

Four feet in bed under sheets with a floral background. Love – Fail

Find out how a lovely couple from Chicago, Illinois had their dream wedding on a sprawling hillside, with breathtaking sunset photos ended unexpectedly. Seven hours after the newlyweds exchanged wedding vows, they slept in their car on their honeymoon night.

What Do You Do On Your Wedding Night?

Shame on you, I know what you are thinking. Since this is a “PG” rated blog, I’m going to keep it clean.

  • Bubble Bath
  • Shower
  • Give Each Other Massages
  • Light a Candle
  • Champagne
  • Order Room Service
  • Feed Each Other
  • Indulge in Chocolate
  • Tell One Another Your Favorite Moments of the Wedding

A piece of advice I have heard most from couples married for many years: Never go to bed in a fight. Always talk it out and come to a resolution before going to sleep.

What is the Wedding Night Called?

The wedding night is the consummation of a marriage. Sex between two people following their marriage vows.

Lisa Doherty – Author

Story Time:

In the summer of 2011, I coordinated a wedding for a couple from Chicago, Illinois. The venue was a 20-acre ranch in San Diego County. All 125 guests flew in for the weekend, and I remember this wedding in particular because of how awe-struck they were by the beautiful sunset. Sunsets are something rare this group sees back home.

The wedding was a success, and the bride and groom were happy, as were the guests when I departed at the end of the night.

The following day while I was walking out of church, I received a phone call from the wedding venue owner.

“Hello?” I said nervously because a call at 10:00 am the day after a wedding wasn’t always good news.

“Hey Lisa, it’s Wendy. Sorry to bother you, but you won’t believe what happened last night .”

I found a bench under a tree in a quiet spot while I waited for my husband and two sons to eat their donuts after Sunday School. Next, I listed to Wendy tell me a story that made my stomach turn.

Apparently, after the wedding last night, the darling bride and groom were whisked away by helicopter to a secluded private cabin in the woods near Big Bear in San Bernadino County.

Upon arrival, the couple entered the cabin by using a hide-a-key. They shared a glass of bubbly, nibbled on the fruit and cheese gift basket on the kitchen counter, and had one last dance together in the living room. The groom then hoisted his tipsy bride over his shoulder, and they adjourned into the bedroom.

Groom carrying bride, a bed, deer head, table w/ bucket & champagne bottle & glasses

The bedroom was dark, and the only light shining in was from the kitchen. As the bride giggled, the groom laid his wife on the center of the bed. Next, the groom slung off his bride’s shoes. One shoe landed on the floor, and the other above the bed. The groom noticed the deer head mounted above the bed, and hoped his vegetarian wife did not. One of the shoes was hooked on the deer’s antler and that was when the groom saw it.

The groom realized the shoe slightly jolted the mounted deer head. Now that the groom’s eyes were adjusting to the dark space, he noticed something fall on the pillow where his wife’s head was resting. Then he saw the pillow had tiny white objects the size of a worm all over, and they were moving.

The word for today is taxidermist. Do you know what a taxidermist does? A taxidermist is someone who prepares, stuffs, and mounts a dead animal for display. Guess what happens if the taxidermist misses a crucial step or doesn’t quite complete the process thoroughly? Maggots are produced, yes, maggots.

The groom quickly pulled his bride off the bed, turned on the light, and they both stood in shock, watching maggots fall in clumps onto the bed. Maggots were oozing out of the deer’s eyes, nose, and mouth.

That’s when the bride began screaming, squirming, and shaking her head upside down. Yup, maggots were in the bride’s hair.

After the couple showered, they changed into comfy clothes and slept for a few hours in a jeep parked outside that came with the cabin. A friend of a friend owned the cabin.

The following morning, the groom called the wedding venue owner, Wendy, and told her the story and then asked if they could stay at the ranch for a day to rest. Of course, Wendy said yes, and treated the couple to dinner. Two days later, the couple boarded a plane headed for Jamaica.


No matter how much you plan, organize, or confirm, some things are out of your control. So take deep calming breaths, and repeat to yourself, “I can conquer anything because I now have a partner in crime who loves me enough to even pick slimy maggots out of my hair.”

~ Happy planning and enjoy your wedding day steps ~

Lisa Doherty

Over 20 years of experience in planning special events, and 11 years as a wedding coordinator.

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